What is the Best Bug Spray? Jungle Formula Insect Repellent
Posted by John B. Holbrook, II on Oct 17, 2019
Let’s face it – most ranges that we competitive shooters frequent for our events are out in the absolute middle of nowhere. Particularly in the Southeast and Midwest, ranges tend to be in the middle of very woodsy areas which are far from dense population areas. At nearly every range I’ve ever been to, bugs have been a consistent problem. I’ve seen mosquitos that seemed big enough to carry you away. I’ve also seen my gun cart completely covered by sweat bees, just daring me to try and retrieve any of my equipment. Not only can out of control insects ruin your string (are you read…standby…<bzzzzzzz bite!>) but they present a real health risk in the form of diseases which they carry. Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotty Fever, West Nile Virus, and Zika just to name a few. Insect bites and stings can also create unsafe conditions – if they happen at the wrong time, it’s quite possible to have an accidental firearm discharge. But don’t resolve yourself to only shoot at indoor ranges – our friends at Rainbow Technology have the perfect solution with their Jungle Formula Insect Repellent. It’s the perfect insect repellent for not only competitive shooters, but also hunters, hikers, and anyone who finds themselves in areas with high concentrations of mosquitoes, biting flies, chiggers, fleas, ticks and all manner of flying biting/stinging insects.
You might be thinking “I’ve picked up insect repellent from the grocery store and that stuff doesn’t work for me.” If so, your experience is not uncommon because grocery store variety bug repellents don’t have very high concentrations of the necessary active ingredients to be particularly effective, and require frequent reapplication. Jungle Formula Insect Repellent was actually developed by Rainbow Technology for the Telecom industry, as well as other outdoor utility personnel. These professionals are often in similar remote, outdoor conditions as competitive shooters, hunters, and other outdoor hobbyists. They also have the added challenge of sometimes being in positions (such as in elevated bucket installing or repair cable lines) where they can’t exactly take a break several times per day and re-apply conventual insect repellent. That’s why Rainbow Technology created Jungle Formula Insect Repellent with an extra-strength 25% DEET formula – one application has all-day effectiveness when properly applied. Like many of the products developed by Rainbow Technology, Jungle Formula Insect Repellent is an industrial grade product developed to meet industry requirements. Simply stated, you cannot get better, longer lasting protection from a chemical insect repellent than from Jungle Formula Insect Repellent. So head over to Rangestore.net today, and pick up a couple of cans or towelettes of Jungle Formula Insect Repellent – it will be one of the best items you ever put in your range bag.