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It’s a new year which means that it’s time for Match Directors and Range Maintainers everywhere to begin preparing for the upcoming Spring shooting season! So it’s time to start thinking about ordering some Steel Target Paint.

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Most of the practical shooting community is in their “off season” as most major matches run between March and November. For me, it’s a great time of the year to spend more time with family and friends, recharge my competitive batteries, but also to prepare my firearms for the upcoming shooting season. That means going through each of the firearms I shoot in competition and doing a complete disassembly and a through cleaning and lubrication - magazines too. The product that I’ve been using to accomplish this task in recent years is Silicon Spray from Rainbow Technology. In short, Silicon Spray is the best product I’ve found to clean and lubricate a firearm because it was developed by Rainbow Technology for industrial applications. It was developed to successfully lubricate and protect molds, motor bearings, linkages, tools, meters, locks, switches, and other industrial equipment which are required to function reliably in working temperature ranges between -40°F to 400°F. Similar products developed by and for the firearms industry simply aren’t developed to these specifications. And because Silicon Spray is widely used by an industrial market that’s much broader than relatively small pool in which the firearms industry exists, Silicon Spray is a much less expensive product than those only marketed within the firearms industry - economies of scale. Silicon Spray costs just $3.95 per can on Rangestore.net.

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Being able to be a Shot Caller or able to call your shot is critical to any action or speed shooting discipline. We have discussed in the past your need to be accurate in order to go fast. You also need to be able to self-diagnose where you are shooting and if you miss, why. One of these ways is to call your shot or determine where your shot is going...

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